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The birth of Triumphant-Heart

Do you ever get what seems like a detailed, fleeting thought or feeling that you should do something? 

It starts out as this gentle thought that flows (or gets stuck) between the various things you have to do for the day and trying to focus on your current task at hand.

Over 3 years ago, the idea or concept of Triumphant-Heart started this way...

I was going through some major life-changing events, and it was my faith in Jesus (the foundation) that kept me grounded and gave me hope to continually overcome.  This along with encouragement from my husband and many sessions with my counselor (Dr. H), sent me on my way to more clarification in my life and more healing.

My name, Tracy, means warrior, but as you will see, becoming a warrior didn’t magically happen overnight. And, truthfully, I’m still a work in progress. I’ve had to go through a lot of struggles, unfulfilled dreams, physical pain, but, also with much gratitude for the many blessings I have.

Throughout the many real-life stories, you’ll hear more about the events that have led me to continually overcoming adversity and living a peaceful and purposeful-filled life.

One big lesson that I have learned is that IF just one person can be helped and learn from my difficult experiences and overcome to be the person they were intended to be, it will be worth it. I was just reading an excerpt by Joyce Meyer on happiness, which said “happiness is a by-product of doing something good for other people.”

Now back to the birth of Triumphant-Heart.  As I mentioned, I started having these, what I thought were random thoughts of writing a book or a blog about my experiences - Accompanied with “how I overcame…”; lessons that I learned; or resources that helped me.  I had this desire deep down, to encourage or help people who may be going through similar experiences. 

Throughout the past three years, these thoughts would come up from time to time, but then one month ago, I went to bed and started having all these thoughts about the book or blog and I became jazzed. I went to sleep, and I slept like a baby. I woke up and read my devotional and heard a similar theme to what I had been thinking about just before nodding off. A couple of hours later during my work out, I was listening to a sermon that shared a similar message. I knew without a shadow of doubt, that I needed to start this blog.

Once I became serious about creating the blog, I was sitting there getting lost in my thoughts of possible topics and out of the blue, I heard the words “Triumphant Heart."  I knew right then that this was to be the avenue in which I would share some of my experiences and hopefully help others get through life-changing events and difficult times.



Apr 26, 2024

Thanks for sharing yourself it’s a warrior who never gives up the fight and allows their pain for others loving it Tracy

Always in my prayers



Apr 08, 2024


Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us, It is very uplifting and heartwarming story, it is a beginning of something beautiful.❤️🙏🏻

1 Tracy in England.jpg

 Thanks for stopping by!

My hope is to help others overcome life’s challenges through the sharing of my past experiences (through the “eyes of my journey”) – overcoming adversity and learning to live a life filled with hope, faith and love.

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